Echinodorus bleheri from South America is undemanding and beautiful, and becomes 20-50 cm tall.
A nutritious bottom promotes growth, but the plant needs pruning to prevent it depriving plants underneath of light. Echinodorus bleheri does well even in poorly illuminated aquariums, as it grows towards the light.
It is a hardy and easy solitary plant for both beginners and the more experienced with quite large aquariums. It has been sold under the name "Paniculatus".
A bundle of stems or young plants gathered in an anchor. Remove the anchor and split into separate plants. Regarding stem plants, remove the leaves from the lowest 5 cm (2“). Remove any damaged leaves. Plant the individual plants with some distance into the bottom substrate. Roots will develop soon and the plant start growing.
(Please notice that bunches/bundled plants are currently NOT produced at Tropica's own nursery. We are unable to guarantee that they are free from harmful pesticides and thus we recommend NOT to put them directly in tanks with shrimps and other delicate fish. Keep bundled plants in tanks where water is changed twice a week for 2 weeks before you add shrimps or fish)