Layout 94 (270 L)



Aquarium: IHM MÜLLER
Volume: 270 L
Light: 4 x 54 W (T5 daylight)
Substrate: Aquarium Soil Powder
Decoration: Lava rocks
Filter: 2 x Eheim pumps 600 L/h
CO2: Approx. 25 mg/L
Fertiliser (weekly): 70 mL Premium + 80 mL Specialised
Maintenance (hours per week): 1-2
 by Tropica

Eight different 1-2-Grow! plants were planted in Aquarium Soil Powder around two groups of grey-black lava rocks. Abundant low and creeping plants create long, horizontal lines that make the aquarium seem peaceful and calm. The stem plants require regular trimming, in order to stay low and compact.