Cryptocoryne crispatula


Layouts containing this plant

Aquarium plant from tissue culture in closed cup.

Cryptocoryne crispatula var. balansae is from the limestone mountains of Southern Thailand, where the water can be very hard. It is not very demanding, but appreciates a nutritious substrate and good light. Like many other Cryptocorynes it needs to acclimatize before growth starts in earnest.

Leaves becomes 20-60 cm long and the single roset plant becomes 15-20 cm wide. Place it in the rear part of the tank, from where the leaves may float beautifully on the water surface. The leaves are either entirely green or maroon. 


Plant info

Country or continent where a plant is the most common. Cultivars arise or are bred in cultivation.
Growth rate:Medium
Growth rate of the plant compared to other aquatic plants.
Height:20 - 30+
Average height (cm) of the plant after two months in the tank.
Light demand:
The average or medium light demand of an aquarium plant is 0,5 W/L.
CO2 :
A medium need in CO2 is 6-14 mg/L. A high demand in CO2 is approx. 15-25 mg/L.